Nurturing a New Generation...
Dr. King was a young prodigy, prolific speaker, spiritual leader, and well-deserving Nobel Peace Prize recipient. We honor him on King Day and perpetually by awarding academic scholarships. Because of the generosity of local citizens, churches, businesses, and organizations we have awarded more than $120,000 since 1990 to help students attend college.
The King Extravaganza is an amazing night of fun, family, and celebration. Over the years we have witnessed great talent, leadership, passion, sacrifice, and commitment displayed by young people in Liberty County, Georgia.
We are proud of our annual poster, coloring, and essay contests, where we are thrilled to see such talent and creativity from K-12th grade students in conveying Dr. King's legacy with color, shapes, words, and beautiful minds.
"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done." Psalm 78:4